miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Organ Donation 03

Finally, at Wikipedia I found this presentation:

What is the attitude of each religion towards organ donation after death?

Buddhism has no rules either for or against blood, bone marrow and organ donation.
An important part of Buddhism is the wish to relieve suffering.
Dying and death is seen as a very important time. The body must be treated with respect. A dead body should only be disturbed for an appropriate reason.
Some Buddhists believe that consciousness stays within the body for some time after breathing has stopped. An operation too soon will harm their future lives.
Other Buddhists may believe that to generously donate an organ can only be a positive act.

Christians are encouraged to help others in need.
Many believe that organ donation is a genuine Christian act of love and a way of following Jesus’ example.
There are various Christian denominations across the UK and the world and Christians may follow different customs after death.
For example, some families may keep the body in an open coffin before burial so that mourners can pay their last respects.
Some communities may prefer burial and others prefer cremation.

No religious law prevents Hindus from donating their organs or tissue.
Hindus believe in life after death and this is an ongoing process of rebirth.
Organ donation is an integral part of the Hindu life, as guided by the Vedas.
Hindus believe in cremation.
Family members of the same sex will wash and bathe their relative in preparation for the cremation.

Humanists have no religious beliefs. They use reason, experience and human values to guide their thinking.
Humanists realise that death is inevitable and they don’t believe in life after death.
A humanist funeral allows family and friends of the deceased person to remember them and say goodbye.
Many Humanists will believe that they have a moral duty to donate their organs after death if they can help someone else.
This will be seen as an individual decision

Based on Muslim law (Shariah), the Muslim Law Council of Great Britain supports organ donation and transplantation as a means of relieving pain or saving life.
Normally it would be against the teachings of Islam to interfere with a dead body but the Shariah believes this can be overruled to save another person’s life.
Some Muslim scholars, however, believe that organ donation is not permissible.
Muslims believe that death is the end of one life and the start of another.
Various rituals are followed at the time of death. The aim is for the body to be buried as soon as possible.

Judaism allows blood, bone marrow and organ donation if it will save lives. However there are strong objections to interfering with the body after death which should be buried intact and as soon as possible.
Judaism is clear that no organ may be removed from a donor until death, as defined in Jewish law, has definitely taken place. This can cause problems with possible heart and lung transplants where timing is particularly critical.
Jews may not agree to their organs being donated into an organ bank, or for medical research as they cannot guarantee that the donated organs would be involved in a life saving situation.

1 comentario:

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